There is no specific topic that has not yet been discussed that I am dying to cover. Looking through past and future videos and readings, one piece that I feel hasn’t been touched on greatly is the ethics behind data science or any possible dangers or downsides. Most of our focus has been on using technology to understand and better human development, but we have not discussed possible ethical violations or downsides with the use of technology. I think a reading or video within any range of this would be useful. I think it is important to grasp all views on a topic. The video can be specific like the dangers of AI, or a general discussion of data ethics. We can’t fully embrace the benefits and possibilities of data science in the realm of human development without understanding the complications.
I found some videos that I think would be good. I skimmed through this video to see what it was about. This video puts ethics in our age of technology into perspective. It is by Juan Enriquez on Ted Talks, who is a great presenter. It is not super data specific but it touches upon the use of technology while remaining ethical. Also the comment section raves about the video. This is another video where the speaker goes into discussion about the future of humanity in a world of technology.